Monday, June 30, 2008

A Million Bucks

Today we had a follow up visit with Lucy's heart surgeon, Dr. Fox. You cannot imagine how cool it was to walk into that office and KNOW that Lucy was fine. What a long way we have come from the first time we visited his office...those parents were terrified and nervous. Today I was a mere shadow of my former self. I felt confident and happy. I reveled in the fact that we had met this challenge and had come out the other side. It seems incredible that Lucy's heart problems are behind us. Her heart is cured. Thank you Dr. Fox.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Titans Re-Unite!

On June 14, 2008, several members of the PAYSL Titans reunited for an afternoon of Wii and pool side fun. We had a great time playing virtual tennis and splashing in the pool. Afterwards, we sat down for a tasty meal of hot dogs, watermelon, chips, and Miss Sophim's Cool Coconut Treats.

Sadly, Patrick won't be returning to the Titans in the fall. We will miss his presence greatly, but we hope he has tons of fun his next adventure!

Six Months, Two Surgeries and Doing Fine

After major gut and heart surgery, Lucy has bounced back fantastically. She also has a pretty cool scar to show off when she talks about her tumultuous start to a life with the Forbes clan.

Everybody seems to be free of a nasty cold that struck in the last few weeks. Lucy's eating tapered off a bit during this period. She was pretty uncomfortable with excess mucus and a sore throat. On the upside, she has perfected the art of the hissy fit. More to follow.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Let's Celebrate with Ham" ~ Rhys

Rhys says the funniest things. Mel overheard him on the playground having a conversation with another child. The kid asked Rhys his name and Rhys replied, "Rhys, R-H-Y-S. Don't go thinking it is rice because it is Rhys." Then in the car with Soline he said, "Don't be assuming that I know all my letters because I don't." Ummm...okay. I could write a whole chapter on the things that he says. I will miss him when he starts school next year because his daily commentary keeps me rolling. So this post is dedicated to Rhys and ham.