8/8. Who else but Brian could be born on such an auspicious day? And in the year of the snake to boot. I could not ask for a better brother. I love you Brian, Happy Birthday!
Here are the Top Ten things that I love about my relationship with Brian (in no particular order):
1) He taught me that lava takes a million years to cool. Wow, all of these years and scientists couldn't figure that out. Silly scientists.
2) He always let me go 2
nd in Super Mario Brothers.
3) Has NEVER forgotten the time I destroyed his Lego masterpiece while he was out w/ Poppa.
4) He & I have hiked most of Silver Falls together...each secretly hoping that the other one would show weakness and suggest we quit. (FYI we had to quit b/c
Joon started limping.)
5) Could never visualize Indian leg wrestling until Jacob, Brian &
Widmere showed me.
6) Will NEVER let me forget that I was a selfish & unbearable teenage girl.
7) Love that he once gave a ticket to a woman b/c she had something sticking out of the trunk and did not have a "caution" flag on it.
8) Taught me that Iron Maiden was evil and that I would go to hell for listening to Black Sabbath. Still carry that lesson with me.
9) I know that he will make up words to beat me at Scrabble.
10) He & I know what "The Pledge" is all about.