Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lucy's New Trick

Lucy has started to pull herself up, and there is no stopping her now. The boys (okay, me too) are learning quickly that Lucy is able to reach a whole new level of items. This has resulted in torn up books, forks pulled from the dishwasher, and making her way onto the first bottom step! She also loves looking out the window. I caught her in action today:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

31 Cent Cone Day @ Baskin Robbins

On April 29th you can get a $0.31 cone from Baskin Robbins from 5 - 10 PM!!! That's right a small scoop will only cost you 31 CENTS!! That's a bargain that I cannot pass up! I love me some Gold Medal Ribbon!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lucy is a Toad

Surprise, surprise. I mean it she is one stubborn little girl. I know what you are thinking that with a Forbes/Stuart/Lovell background it was bound to happen to one of my children. Well it did, with a vengeance. I understand that she will do things at her own pace, but she will be damned if she does something she doesn't want to do. Our biggest battle...eating. She does not want us to feed her. She sees that spoon coming, and she clams up tighter than Grant's Tomb. You may trick her once to open her mouth, but it will only be once. She is a fast & Jake not so much. She will put things in her mouth, but actually swallowing it is a different story. Her therapist's theory is that as her upper trunk muscles become more developed she will gain more control over her tongue. I hope this proves true. At this point, she is still growing & gaining weight on the formula so we have time, but it will be a relief when we get over this hurdle. Funny seems like last year we were obsessed about Lucy & eating too! Oh well, here is a pic of the Queen Bee proving her point....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Outsmarting Mom...Not that Hard

Had to run to the Dollar Store today, and I let the kids each pick out one thing. Ethan got a calculator and Rhys got a water gun. Went home, and the kids started doing homework and me chores. Ethan comes up and says, "Mom I'm done, can you please check my packet?" I express to him that the packet must have been easy this week, and I will check it in a minute. When I go to the table, I see the calculator and it all falls into place!! I then explain to Ethan that we do not use the calculator to do our Math homework, but he can use it to check his work. Silly Mommy.

I wanna play......

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Things that Start with "C"

No not cookies, but good guess because I do love me some cookies! More like "carnival". The Windermere Carnival is this Friday, and the PTO has been working really hard to get it off the ground. It is depressing how many parents are not involved; it is like pulling teeth. Sure they want to come to the carnival, but volunteering a 1/2 hr. to run a booth is really too much to ask. I love that the PTO provides so many events for the students & community, but it would be nice if the community helped out! But I can't complain, I am working with a really great group of ladies and they make it fun. So for the next week, I will be eating & breathing carnival!! Go Team!
"Camping" also starts with "C". While Jake fixed the fence today, the kids put up their tent and did some camping. They even let Lucy hang out! It was fun seeing them use their imaginations and taking advantage of the beautiful weather we are having. Days like today make me realize that life is really good right now, and I need to relax and enjoy these peaceful times. All those other things? Well like Ms. Scarlet always says, "Fiddle-dee, I'll think about that tomorrow!"

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter from the Land of Infectious Diseases!

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter. My brood has been down and out with a horrible sinus infection. Seriously where do these things come from? I haven't been able to taste anything in days. It has been the worst for Lucy, because clinically she has smaller than normal sinus cavities. Yeah! Give me two please. Hopefully everyone is on the mend, but sister is getting the boot. Thats right, after we get some other tasks marked off of our to-do-list Lucy will be moving into a room of her own! At least if she sneezes all night, she can do it in her room. Rough I know, but I gotta get some sleep!
So with all that being said, I hope that everyone had a very nice Easter filled with love, chocolate bunnies and jellybeans.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ambrosia Thy Name is Watermelon

I am not kidding around, I love watermelon. I will not accept anything less than a perfect watermelon, a Black Diamond if you have one. Don't get me started on seeded vs. seedless. There is nothing more disappointing in life than cracking a watermelon open and finding that you have chosen a dud. The let down is immense when you realize that you have bitten into watermelon that is subpar.
With all that being said, we had our first perfect melon today, and it was DELICIOUS!!! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Let's Rodeo!!

At Windermere Primary they save the best trips for the 2nd graders. So this year we got to visit the Austin Stock Show & Rodeo. One of the great things about Texas is that the weather is beautiful 95% of the time; that other 5% is a pesky problem that only occurs at the most inconvenient times. Like a torrential downpour that traps you, and 100 other people, in the tent that houses the petting zoo. You see where I am going with this? So we spent the morning with the Dairy contingent and the petting zoo. After the rain let up, we did get to see the pig races (with such racers as Britney Sparerib & Clay Bacon), the stock (nothing like chaperoning four 8 year old boys when a cow relieves themselves in front of you), and motorcross riders do crazy stunts. It was an awesome day!!

Whaatttt? Chicken Pita & Fried Snickers at one booth? I guess it is a balanced meal!