Sunday, May 31, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

"Of course it (water playscape) broke when we got here, because we are the bad luck family." ~ Rhys

Friday, May 29, 2009


Ethan got to go to the links with the boys. He was the official photographer of the day!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Adventure on a Thursday Morning

On the way home, from dropping the boys off at school, a brightly colored object caught my eye. I went to investigate and to my astonishment it was a hot air balloon!! The balloon had to make an emergency landing in the cul-de-sac. Unfortunately park of the balloon got snagged on a lamppost! I took Jenny & Madden to see it, and we asked them if they could use a ladder. So my friend and I took over the ladder, and watched, between my fingers, as the man climbed to the highest rung and freed the balloon. They thanked us profusely and gave us a bottle of champagne! What a crazy morning! Adventures are around ever corner!! I can't believe that I didn't grab my camera!

Martha May Whoveaux

Sunday, May 24, 2009

This I Believe

An 8th grade girl made this video. Sometimes it seems like young people only get negative press, and we forget that this cannot define a generation of people. This video blew me away with it's very profound message. Gives me hope for the world, and for Lucy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Heart Day Lucy!

How sweet it is to be here today instead of where we were a year ago

Puts things into perspective! Go out and have an awesome day!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Somethings Will Never Sound Right

"I just choked him softly." ~ Ethan

Ethan is definitely in that period where he is struggling to make the right decision when he is frustrated. As an adult I can give him some good advice, but does that kind of advice ever really help? Humans really have to work through things themselves. Even with good guidance, one has to really live it to learn it. Sad really, because if children could take adult's advice and put it into practice right away, without any testing, think how evolved we would be. Hhhmm...I feel a sci-fi book coming on. For now we are practicing deep breathes and restraint. I'll let you know how I do!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Jacob & Lucy Venture to Colorado

Lucy & EdisonJacob's brother, Jason, graduated from the University of Colorado last week! Jacob & Lucy were our graduation celebration delegation, and went out to show our support. While there they got to meet our nephew, Edison, for the first time. They also got to see Grandpa and the Sundquist clan. Jacob & Lucy had a great time seeing everyone.
What did I do all alone, you ask? Alone time was not in the cards; Ethan was sick both days and Rhys on Friday. But we had a great time together, and we were so happy that Jacob & Lucy could go be with Jason on his special day.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

First Communion

It was a very special day for us on Saturday, Ethan completed the sacrament of First Communion. I did not think that it would be such a big deal; being a Catholic for so long some of the rituals have become mundane & ordinary. But Saturday was anything but mundane. His excitement at finally being able to receive the body of Christ was infectious. It was a momentous rite of passage in his spiritual life, and I was so proud to be there with him.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Overheard This Morning at the Breakfast Table...

Ethan: "I am going to start skipping grades. I need to get this school stuff done with, and get on to college so that I can start being a man."

Rhys: "You would be a tiny man."