If you have been to our house, you know that the little shoe closet is the safest place to hide, in case of a tornado. Well we were in it again last night. It is always scary to hear the Emergency Alert Lady's automated voice say, "Windermere". Never a good feeling. We were smarter this time, Joon was put into the little bathroom. Not having Joon pant in our faces greatly enhanced our time in the closet. It also helped that Ethan was at Oma's, so we had 1 less person to stuff in there. Jake also equipped us with bike helmets which I thought was a nice touch.
Lisa pointed out that we spend a lot of time huddled in this closet, and we should just spend the money to renovate it to something more comfortable. I think she may be on to something, because the smell of feet isn't the last thing I want to smell on this Earth!
Needless to say, because there wouldn't be a blog post otherwise, we are all good. The tornado did touch down in Round Rock, so better safe than sorry I always say. Figure these kind of things keep life exciting in P-ville!