Monday, June 29, 2009


I have breaking news to report. Tonight Lucy let me feed her with a spoon! And not just one time, my friends, I fed her dinner!! It was like she had been doing it her whole life...opening her mouth for the spoon and actually eating the food (not just spitting it back at me)!! A weight lifted off of my heart; I couldn't believe it, and I won't until breakfast! Jake got home just in time to see us finish up. He snapped some pics just in case it was a fluke!!

1st Library Card

Last Friday, Rhys became the proud owner of his OWN library card. He was really looking forward to this milestone and he was ecstatic when he got to check out his first book! Check it out...(hehee)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Aaaah Summer

We have been having so much fun; it is hard to believe that school has been out for 3 weeks already. Swimming has been at the top of our list. With Lucy being older this year we have been able to take full advantage of the pool. I am surprised at how much Lucy likes being in the water! Today we wrap up a week of Vacation Bible School, and the boys have been loving that. Other than that we are not accomplishing too much; which is okay in my book! Summer should be for slacking! Hope everyone else is having an awesome summer too!

Side Note: I was in Walgreens yesterday and they are already stocking the aisle for school supplies!! Really??? They couldn't give us more time?

And I will leave you with another funny picture of Lucy. Notice her overnight guest? We don't remember her taking him to bed!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lucy & her Bear

She puts Pooh in a strangle hold every night! Poor Bear, he is just crying out for someone to rescue him! Those pleading eyes say, "Can you help a bear out?"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chore Jar

So in my attempt to do less yelling this summer, I came up with the "Chore Jar Plan". I listed the behaviors that are not going to be tolerated, and the punishment for said behaviors was the "chore jar". We all came up with chores that one would want to avoid at all costs, and we put them in the jar. I must say some are pretty good:
  • Clean toilets
  • Clean messiest room in the house
  • Wash the trashcan
  • Pick up dog poo
  • Clean out the car
  • Organize kid bookshelf
  • Pick up every toy in the house and put it where it belongs
  • Clean and organize pantry
The kicker is that if they don't do the chore, they have to go to their room until they are ready to complete the chore. AND if they get 2 in a day they lose their DS for a week. Pretty devious, I know. Believe it or not, this system really seems to be working right now. That's right, I am not so green that I believe these chores will keep them in check all summer, but for now it is working. That is all I can ask for, and as a bonus I get clean toilets!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hanging Out

We had an awesome weekend. The best part was when we just sat and played. Sometimes we, okay I, get so caught up in making schedules and doing stuff that I forget that playing is important too. It is also FREE, which is a nice bonus.

Winner of the Block Contest

Friday, June 12, 2009

Another Night in the Shoe Closet

If you have been to our house, you know that the little shoe closet is the safest place to hide, in case of a tornado. Well we were in it again last night. It is always scary to hear the Emergency Alert Lady's automated voice say, "Windermere". Never a good feeling. We were smarter this time, Joon was put into the little bathroom. Not having Joon pant in our faces greatly enhanced our time in the closet. It also helped that Ethan was at Oma's, so we had 1 less person to stuff in there. Jake also equipped us with bike helmets which I thought was a nice touch.
Lisa pointed out that we spend a lot of time huddled in this closet, and we should just spend the money to renovate it to something more comfortable. I think she may be on to something, because the smell of feet isn't the last thing I want to smell on this Earth!
Needless to say, because there wouldn't be a blog post otherwise, we are all good. The tornado did touch down in Round Rock, so better safe than sorry I always say. Figure these kind of things keep life exciting in P-ville!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Graduation Day

It is amazing how fast a year can go by. It seems like we were just buying school supplies, and sending them off to Kinder & 2nd grade. Well shake the dust off those boots, because we have already moved on. 1st & 3rd grade here we come...after a long and relaxing summer of course!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hehheee naked baby pictures!

Look who I caught causing trouble...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hanging with the Quists!

Aunt Jenny, Madden & Mia came to Texas for a visit, and we had an awesome time!! We swam, went to the movies, rode bikes! It was a great time. They left this morning, and it is already too quiet around here. Just 6 more months til Thanksgiving!

The boys slept in our room, and Jake found them asleep in odd places...