Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hamilton Pool

On Monday after we hiked the Preserve, we decided that we weren't done exploring for the day. So on we drove to Hamilton Pool. Ages ago there was a huge cave, but the dome fell and left a natural pool formation. The water gets trapped in the pool, and only refreshes itself with rain. It was a gorgeous sight, and the kids could not resist getting in it. The water was so clear! So clear in fact that the water mocassin was easy to spot! No worries though, it slid into it's hide out and I made the boys play closer to the shore. I have been on many memorial hikes, but this place was beautiful. My pictures do not do it justice.

This is what it looked like on the way to the pool:

And this is what we saw when we came into the clearing:

This was a perfect day.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hiking Wild Basin Preserve

There was no school yesterday, so the kids & I took off to do some hiking. Hiking with the kids is my favorite thing to do. Its me with them, and no distractions. We hike, we talk, and we marvel at nature's beauty together. I really love hiking in areas where we see no other humans. Being in nature brings out the best in my boys; they are more considerate & nicer to each other. Hiking makes me feel closer to them, and I cherish every hike we take. I hope it is a way that we will always be able to connect. Just need Lucy to start using those legs!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lucy's New Diggs

We finally put the finishing touches on Lucy's room; however, we are waiting on 1 curtain panel. She seems to like it. Rhys suggested that it might need an air freshener! Thank you for everyone that contributed to her beautiful room! So without further ado...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Can't Keep a Girl Down

The other night, I sent the boys upstairs to take a bath while I made dinner. Lucy was playing in the playroom, or so I thought. While my back was turned making dinner, the little sneaker high tailed it up the stairs:
to get in the bathtub with her brothers. She tried climbing in with her clothes on, but Ethan had enough sense to undress her first.
Lucy does not like being left out of the fun, and she could hear the boys upstairs laughing & playing. I don't know what I am going to do with her. We just installed a gate upstairs, I guess we are going to have to get one for the bottom too!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

South Cackalacky Part One

Jacob is attending a convention in South Carolina. Even though there are no waves, he's still happy to be back at the beach.

All Quiet on the Home Front

Not much going on in the Forbes house these days. Settling into school has been our top priority; hard to get back in the groove for all of us!! In 3rd grade, Ethan has started to bring home books for homework and has tests all day Friday. He is learning how to study, and he is real excited about it (warning: written words lack ability to convey sarcasm). Rhys is sailing along doing his own thing. He has made a friend in class, and they are as thick as thieves. Rhys' music program will be in the Fall, and he is hoping to be chosen to play an Indian. I'll let you know how that pans out. Lucy has moved into her own room, and it is awesome! I promise to post pics when all the finishing touches are done! Flag Football practice starts next week, and the boys are excited to play. With the temps under 100 it is even starting to feel like Fall around here!

Jake & Ethan covering textbooks. Jake remembers covering books as his favorite part about school, so you can imagine the artwork covering Ethan's books!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday Whatever

Rhys: "Ethan, do you know what an upgraded bagel is?" Answer: "A donut."
Yup, he thought of that all by himself. I don't know where he gets these things from.

The 1st week of school the teachers stay with their classes in the cafeteria to help the kids adjust, and the 2nd week teachers get to start eating in the lounge. It is a hard transition for the Kindergarten kids, so Lucy and I have been going to help out. A man stopped me yesterday and told me that his son had started Kindergarten, and everyday he pumps him for details about his day & gets nothing. Finally his son told him, "A lady with a baby on her back helped me in the cafeteria today." The man was so happy to finally find out something about his son's day! So he thanked me for helping his son, and for giving his son a memory that he could remember! And that is why I dig volunteering, because there is never a day that it doesn't touch someone's life. Okay that and if I am helping out at school, I am not home looking at something to clean up!! :)