Thursday, December 17, 2009

Big Red turns 7

Can't believe it is that time of year again...Rhys' birthday already! We took him & some buddies bowling yesterday. Then today was Polar Express day, so he got to wear his PJs & take his blanket to school! Later we surprised him with a bike for his birthday. It was a great day, but part of me is sad to know that another year has flown by. I'm excited to see what he'll do this year!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Tree Huntin'

I love choosing the Christmas tree. Jake knows to follow behind, and hold on to "maybes". The boys give me suggestions, but they haven't learned that picking a tree is Mom's job. We have so much fun going out to the tree farm. Ethan did reach an important milestone this year...he got to cut down Aunt Mel's tree!

Aunt Mel is as tall as a Christmas Tree!

Lucy Approves!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lucy & the Snowman

A while back Uncle Dave bought the kids a Snowman that sings "I'm Gonna Lasso Santa Claus". The boys love it, and Lucy adores it. She plays that thing a billion times a day!! I caught her sneaking up on it....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Its Getting Chilly!!

Had to bust out the coats. Everyone is in a tizzy because we have a 60% chance of snow tomorrow. I warned the boys not to get too excited yet. I fully believe all these over excited people are jinxing it. Trying to get ready for Christmas, and I can't believe we have 4 birthdays coming up!!! Who are these crazy people that keep having kids in December? Hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of the holiday!