Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thar Be a Parrrrty

The curse of being born so close to Christmas is that your parents are usually too busy with the holidays to throw you a birthday party. So for the first time ever, Rhys got a real party this year. It shouldn't shock anyone that knows him that the theme was Pirates. We dressed our guests up (mad props to Uncle John & his face painting skills), gave them pirate names, and played pirate games. It was an exhausting two hours, but it was totally worth it. The birthday boy, um I mean pirate had a great time.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's a beaut Clark

Jake does a wonderful job on our lights! Lucy was so excited by the lights; she gave her Dad a billion high 5's!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Trip to Denver, Part 2

We did so much in Denver that I couldn't fit all the pics on one blog!

Jake & the rental car!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Trip to Denver, Part 1

For Thanksgiving we packed up and headed North to Littleton, CO to spend time with the Sundquists! We had an awesome week of just hanging out. We got to see Madden play hockey, us girls went to tea, the boys skied, we saw the new HP movie, we went skating, they boys played many a Nerf battle, and we chilled. The week went by wayyy too fast. We really cherish our time with Dave, Jennifer, Madden & Mia, and we always have a great time!

I had a ton of pictures, so tune in tomorrow for more!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

More Trouble

Field Trippin'

Pretending to be bored!
Last week, Rhys' class went to the Paramount Theater, and saw a play about the pigeon that wanted to drive the bus. It was a very cool experience, especially for the kids that had never seen a live play. We got to have a lovely lunch in the park, and then we were treated to a historical bus tour of Pflugerville. I learned some pretty interesting things about our fair city. For instance, "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas," and, "Second Hand Lions" were filmed here. Of course the teacher did not mention TBLWiT by name, just called it a "famous Dolly Parton movie".
I had a great time, and felt so lucky that I was able to attend.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

A zombie, Frodo Baggins & Septimus Heap (from a book series called "Magyk")

Friday, October 29, 2010

Walking with Our Buddy!

The Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas (DSACT) is an awesome organization! They offer a wide variety of classes for people with DS, and their "typical" siblings for FREEEE! Their most important fundraiser is the annual "Buddy Walk". It is a great event that has kid activities, awareness info, music, and of course a 1 mile walk. There were a LOT of people there, and it was a great testament to how many people love someone with DS. It was wonderful to see these teams of people that were there to support their Buddy. Next year we are planning to put a team together, and get the party started!! We are accepting suggestions for a clever team name, so send them in! And don't be surprised when you get your Buddy Walk Invite next year!!