Friday, February 26, 2010

Lucy Practicing for the Olympics

Hey no problem Lucy, throw all my socks out of my basket!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Boys in the Snow!

Got the boys out of school early! It would be cruel to leave them in, and I am not that mean!


Yes!!! Gotta love Texas, 75 on Sunday and snow on Tuesday! Lucy & I headed out to check it out. In the beginning she thought it was fun, and then she quickly became unimpressed.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Who Wants to Party with Pokemon!!!

Ethan had his first real birthday party this year. Jake & I sucked it up and invited 14 boys (& 3 girlies) to come celebrate his big day. We played all the old school games, ate some cake, and then sent them all home. It was a fun filled 3 hours!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Where has the time gone?

I have been soundly remiss in my blogging duties. Just think of it as me hibernating! So here are some random snapshots of life with the Forbes, and you can come back tomorrow for Pokemon party pictures!

The boys performed a funny skit with our O'Mara friends at the talent show!