Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Monkeys Visit the Pumpkin Patch

Lucy's school had a Pumpkin Patch Day! Each group dressed up according to their group animal, and visited fun stations! Then they got to trick or treat throughout the church! It was really a treat to watch her having such a great time with all of her friends!
As a side note, Lucy is really coming along in her speech. She is currently attending 2 Speech Therapy sessions a week, and we think it is making a huge difference. To illustrate, while Trick or Treating today Lucy asked the nice lady for "more" candy!! Aaah candy...the great motivator.

This is Lucy & her buddy, Ryan. Ryan's Mom came up to us and introduced herself. She said that Ryan comes home & talks about Lucy everyday. They are not in the same class, but they play together on the playground. Ryan's Mom explained that Ryan is a sweet sensitive boy that sometimes gets too close to other kids. Lucy doesn't mind...up until a point. One day Ryan reported that Lucy pushed him away, and said, "Stop!" Ryan went home, and told his Mom, "Lucy pushed me, and broke my heart." Haha! I won't lie...her story almost made me cry.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lucy does Laundry

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cool Article

I recently came across an article wherein the author discussed his preconceived notions of what people with Down Syndrome are like. He then engages in a conversation with a person with DS, and it changes his whole point of view.
I really enjoyed the article, and I have to say that it really hit home. I have never had much contact with people with special needs. When you first have a baby with special needs you read everything out there: the books, the blogs, the outdated printed material. And I have to tell you the outlook didn't seem great. I have tried to keep an open mind about Lucy, but I must admit that there are times when I am shocked when she accomplishes a "typical" task. No one ever told me she wouldn't, but I guess I just assumed that she wouldn't be doing certain things. Don't get me wrong, I treat her just like all the other kids, but there are times when she surprises me. And I love that about her! She is reminding me everyday that Down Syndrome is a part of who she is, and that it doesn't define her.
Truthfully I love when she surpasses people's expectations of her in public, because there are people who definitely have some preconceived notions about what she is capable of doing. People have some crazy ideas about what people with DS are like (trust me some of them even like to share these ideas), but I know when they see Lucy they can't help but notice how "handi capable" she is.

I encourage you to take a sec, and read the article:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mother's Day Out

This post is a bit late (insert huge understatement), but better late than never.

 In September, Lucy started Mother's Day out at our parish Church.  The boys did not attend Pre-K, but I knew that Lucy would need to be with peers of her own age.  She is terrific at miming what others do, and trust me older brothers should not be her only role models (think forcing oneself to burp & laughing hysterically, of course I mean that Lu is doing this).  So in comes Pre-K.  I was really nervous about this leap, and a good friend of mine summed it up, "In our houses they do not have handicaps, but once we walk out the door their delays become noticeable."  I couldn't have said it better myself.  After meeting with her teachers, they assured me that typical children have problems with the same issues I was worried Lucy would have.  I really felt like we were leaving her in good hands.
On the first day, she could not have been more excited to get in there and play with the other kids.  She didn't even have the time of day for me, and I barely got a picture (thanks Kathryn!).  And when I came to pick her up, her teachers reported that she did great.  And every report since has been the same.  She is doing awesome, but you all knew that she would didn't you?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Check it out

There is a new blogger in town! Red is writing a blog! You can find his musings at

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Norman Rockwell has nothing on us....

Aaaah picture this, a suburban family of five having a nice dinner together.  During dinner they are listening to their NPR station to hear the older boy's name called out for making a donation.  When his named is announced they all cheer & clap, and then they finish up dinner.  Dad and the older son sit at the kitchen table and work on the science fair project.  Mom puts the baby in a bubble bath, and folds clothes while helping the middle child work on his blog (author's note:  the baby is in the mother's line of sight at all times, imagine a triangle with the Mom being at the apex and being able to see both children at once).  Everyone is happy & productive.
That is until Dad comes up, and goes to get the happy splashing baby out of the tub.  And what does he find????  POOP!  That's right, while Mom was thinking everything was hunky-dory, unbeknownst to her the baby had pooped in the tub.  Now the idyllic scene crashes and burns.  The happy splashing baby was actually splashing poop water all over the bathroom, and had even thrown some poop on the ground!  How could Mom have missed this you ask?  Well when Mom lets the clean laundry pile up for awhile, it takes a real act of will & concentration to fold all of those clothes!  She did not have time to take a closer look at what said happy baby was doing!  Needless to say, Dad scrubbed baby, tub, bathroom walls & floor until they all sparkled and smelled like bleach.
Let this be a lesson:  Things are not always as good as they seem; but hey, if you don't look too closely, things are pretty good.