Thursday, June 14, 2012

Schools Out for Summer (okay this is a few weeks late, but still)

School has ended, and we reached some big milestones this year!

Ethan is officially in middle school!! AAAAHHHH!!!  I know, I know...I am just glad he doesn't realize that the next three years are going to be less than pleasant.  But barring the fact that he is about to enter some difficult years, he is turning into a really cool dude.  Harmony had a promotion ceremony for the 5th graders, and it was fun seeing him in his element.

Rhys had a fantastic 3rd grade year!!  He made so many friends, and loved his teacher.  It was a great way for him to transition to the new school.  He was voted "Biggest Bookworm," and, "Best Joke Teller" by his classmates!

Last but not least, Lucy had an excellent year in the Monkey Class!  I should have never worried so much about her.  She loved school, and had an amazing year with her teachers and new friends.  Next year she is going to attend 3 days a week, and will most likely be in the Bear Class (which is pretty apropos)!

Mom helped me make these aprons for our teachers!  Okay I confess, Mom made them! Thanks Mom!
 Everyone had a great year, and I cannot tell you how much we are already enjoying the summer vacation!  I love having them all home, and am looking forward to the next couple of months!  It is going to be a F-U-N summer!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rhys Wielding his Mad Math Skillzzzzzzz

A couple of weeks ago, Rhys attended the Math Pentathlon tournament.  Basically Rhys and his team have been practicing 5 different games that involve a lot of math and strategy.  Then at tournament you play the games against all of the other kids in the Austin area.  It is a lot of fun, but kind of intense!  Rhys did a great job, and won 3 out of 5 games.  He is already intent on practicing next year's games, because he wants to win a t-shirt! :)  We are really proud of him!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Already I am falling off the wagon!  But here are some Easter pictures....

You will notice the new do that Lucy is sporting!  We cut off her hair, and it was the best decision ever!  It is so easy to take care of, and, if I do say so myself, it looks super cute on her!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Time for Bluebonnet Pictures!

Taking pictures of your kids in the bluebonnets is such a "Texas Thang". I guess we do it because for 11 1/2 months of the year the Texas landscape looks less green and appealing...that is putting it nicely. So when all the wildflowers pop up and everything is so vibrant and lush, it is hard not to commit that beauty to memory with pictures. Those pictures can help us live out some pretty hot & dry months! :) Last year we had a very small smattering of bluebonnets because of drought, so it was such a gift to see Nature bring them out in full force this year. So like good Texans, we took our kids out and put them in the bluebonnets!

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Forbes Go Back in Time....Well Sorta

We spent all of Spring Break at home, so on Saturday Jake and I decided to load everyone up and go north...well not too north, just Waco. When Jake & I lived in Waco, I must have dragged him to every attraction within a 50 mile radius. It was not the most exciting place to live, so we had a lot of day trips! There was a memorable day when we stumbled into a store with 1950's white supremacy pamphlets, and trust me folks am I ever glad we made it out of that store. But that is another story.

One trip that we really enjoyed was Homestead Heritage in Elm Mott, so we decided to take the kids. Homestead Heritage is a horse farming community run by a group of Mennonites. [Quick lesson: Mennonites are often confused with the Amish, but while Mennonites have a lot of home centered beliefs they do use technology.] The driving idea behind Homestead Heritage is to create a sustainable lifestyle. They use horses to farm, grow organic vegetables, make their own furniture, a mill their own corn/wheat, and they even have a forge. And at the farm they put it all on display for visitors to check out for free!!! They even have classes and seminars on their craft skills.

The boys and I have been reading the Laura Ingalls' books, so they loved getting to see some of the instruments and tools that we have been reading about. It was a beautiful day, and we loved leisurely walking through the farm checking everything out. If you have day where you need to get away, I assure you that it is worth the trip to Elm Mott. There is something moving about seeing humans go back to their roots, and live in harmony with each other and the land.

And of course we had to hit Health Camp on the way out of Waco, and get a shake!

It was a great day!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Forbes Clan Braves Museum to Check Out Dr. Seuss Exhibit

I know that the last time the Forbes family visited an art museum, a security guard came to tell us that our children made the men in the "camera room" nervous. But that was 3 years ago, so I took a chance and took them to see an exhibit of Theodor Seuss Geisel's works of art.

It was so educational. For instance, I never knew that Dr. Seuss got his start in advertising. He then helped get America into WWII by creating lots of propaganda material. When we entered into WWII he enlisted and was assigned to do educational pamphlets for soldiers (even one on how remind soldiers to have safe "extracurricular activities"). He never even thought of writing for children until a friend's child memorized one of his poems. For inspiration for children's books, he would pick up the lists of words children should know and just incorporate them into a story. He was so talented and imaginative. He had a collection of artwork that he did not make public during his lifetime, the art being of a more mature nature (nothing to risque). So it was very cool to see some of his more grown up work. He was such a talented man, and I am so glad that we went to check this exhibit out! And I am so glad we made it through the art gallery without making any security personnel nervous! :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Movin' On 36

I had a fabulous birthday celebration this year! My peeps and I went to dinner, painted an awesome picture & then rocked the house with some serious karaoke! It was a great night, and I loved that we all were together having a good time! I love these people!

First up "Painting with a Twist", which means we got to enjoy adult beverages whilst creating our masterpieces. It was harder than you might think, but some of us (ahem, John) really rocked it.

Aren't we an enthusiastic looking bunch? Look at those smiles! :)

I love this pic, because I imagine John saying to himself, "Why did I come with these amateurs?"

Thinking outside the box is hard for Nurse Mel, as you can tell by her intense look of concentration/consternation.

Yeah! Watch out art world!

Next up karaoke! I am not joking, we ROCKED the house! We all sang, and if I do say so myself, we were uber entertaining!

John sang the hell out of AC/DC & Faith No More!

I wish I had a picture of when John joined Jake for a dance!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mass Etiquette

Folks, I am usually a very easy going person in public places. I understand that people, by nature, are not quiet beings. Trust me, my family are not wallflowers. However this weekend I think the Lord was testing me, because no matter how hard I tried to concentrate on the service, I just couldn't. So here are a few helpful reminders for people that are attending an event where others are trying to concentrate on the message:

1) If you are looking for a place for you and your family of 5 to sit, don't choose the pew where the person is kneeling in prayer. I dare anyone to continue to pray whilst 6 people trample over them, and inadvertently step on them. ESPECIALLY if the pew directly in front of this person is EMPTY. Now I know the first row is scary to some people, but if you sit in the second row and the first row is is just like you are sitting in the front row...without the hassle of having to trip over the poor person on the kneeler praying. Just saying.

2) If you have a hacking cough that is so bad that you continuously cough throughout mass then you should go. God will understand. And if you choose not to leave, maybe you should sit back and cough into your hand. Leaning forward and not covering your mouth will not, let me repeat, WILL NOT make you feel any better. It will only cause the person in front of you, the person who is receiving your gift of germs, to be distracted beyond belief & want to run home and shower.

3) Now I have the utmost patience for children in mass. I get it, mass is hard for kids. But if you have a fussy infant, and you proceed to talk & laugh with this baby all through the readings & sermon, did you really participate in mass? A parent trying to pacify a baby is one thing, but to have a full blown conversation with the baby & then laugh when it does something cute? You could have done that at home, and the rest of us could have heard what the Father was saying. Again, I think God would understand if you took the baby out.

I know that I am rule follower, but I honestly don't believe that just going to Mass and being in the pew counts. I try my best to be attentive throughout the service, and have my heart and mind participating in what is going on around me. But man, today was rough. And to have all this going on directly behind me was killer. Like I said, maybe it was a test that I failed. Then again maybe it was a reminder of what that hour is supposed to be about, and help remind me that 11:30 mass is not for me. :) Thanks for letting me vent!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jake's 21 Things about Lucy

1. "Momma, momma, momma" is Lucy's favorite phrase followed by "bubba, bubba, bubba", and "ReeRee, ReeRee, ReeRee."
2. She is a Sesame Street Fanatic.
3. She is quite picky about what she eats.
4. She loves group hugs.
5. The girl just wants to have fun.
6. Lucy loves the outdoors. That's where her adventures are.
7. She hates being left behind. As long as she gets to go too, she doesn't care where she's going.
8. She will ask for help only when she realizes she can't do it herself no matter how much she really doesn't want your help.
9. She loves skateboard rides. The bigger the hill, the better.
10. She likes to be scary. In her mind, she is a terrible monster, frightening to behold.
11. She likes to share the good times. She wants you to join her when she's having fun. I can't count the number of times she would wave me over and pat the ground expectantly, waiting for me to sit down and play.
12. She is car crazy. Her engine sounds are tough to beat.
13. She will not hesitate to let you know that she is disappointed by your behavior. I admit that I find it funny when she folds her arms, pouts, and tucks her chin to her chest. I can see her peeking out from under her bangs to make sure you are looking at her.
14. She knows how to use the toilet but chooses not to.
15. She can find permanent markers, pens, and other tools of destruction with ease, even if you thought you locked them all up.
16. She is quite good at helping you find all of your parenting weaknesses.
17. She is not afraid of heights at all. She is one of the best climbers I know.
18. She is a fearless pioneer. She does not hesitate to blaze new trails.
19. She prefers the ragamuffin look. She does not like to have her hair done and let's everyone know her displeasure in having to suffer through having her hair braided.
20. Even though she is a very busy person and cannot be bothered to be distracted or deterred, she will briefly stop to say hello to anyone.
21. She loves "Da-Dee", and takes every opportunity to let him know.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rocking That Extra Chromosone!

I think having World Down Syndrome Day on 3/21 is very clever. I really wanted to mark this day with a special tribute to Lucy, and I thought about all the things I got wrong about her. When I first heard the words "Down Syndrome" I thought about all she wouldn't be; it never occurred to me to think of all the things she would be.

So here is a list of 21 things about Lucy that surprise me:

1. She is funny, and knows it.
2. She has learned to bat her eyes when trying to get her way.
3. She is not always nice, but is in fact a grump most of the time.
4. She does not like everyone.
5. I thought she would always be sick, but she's not. Lisa pointed out that her recovery time after her heart surgery was pretty amazing, and I have to agree. She bounces back fast!
6. I thought that other kids wouldn't like her, but they do.
7. She has a personality that would fill a room.
8. She is artistic (see the pic of her wall for evidence).
9. She is wily & cunning. Always waiting for the door latch to be off, so she can make her big escape.
10. She is not afraid to get in the fray and mix it up physically.
11. Just because she isn't verbal, doesn't mean that she doesn't understand you.
12. I thought her delays would be horrible, but they aren't. We have just come to accept that she will do things on her own time, and we continue giving her the support she needs.
13. She is awesome at pretend play, and has perfected dying during a duel.
14. She loves to play guitar.
15. She loves to read and look at books.
16. She grasps concepts quickly.
17. She is a terrific problem solver.
18. She loves to listen to music loudly in the car, but only songs that she approves of.
19. Her neck doesn't look any different than ours. :)
20. Without words, she knows how I am feeling.
21. She is totally aware of the world around her, and is constantly participating in it. I thought the world would be passing Lucy by, but in fact it is quite the opposite. Lucy leaves her mark wherever she goes.

I know some people think that "special" children are sent to "special" parents, but Jake & I aren't special. We are just 2 lucky people that happened to get a tremendous gift, and she spends everyday making us look like amateurs. :)