1. Jack’s super plans. He had a plan for everything. I love plans.
2. Sawyer’s nicknames for everyone: i.e.: Freckles, Ennis, Stay Puff
3. Trying to figure out who Kate would hook up with next.
4. Anything was possible: kidnapping, polar bears, subs, slave ships, hot air balloons, finding beer. There are no boundaries! (It hurt to type "was" instead of "is")
5. Being able to have a bad episode, and move on. Like all series, there were bad episodes, but these didn’t seem to hurt the overall story line.
6. The scenery. I loved looking at the beautiful nature shots.
7. The intrigue always kept me guessing. There were no easy answers, but sometimes they would throw you a bone.
8. Great characters played by great actors. All the regulars, and those that had gone (namely Eko). The acting on this show was superb. Nod to Terry O’Quinn.
9. Getting to spend 60 minutes with Lisa every week. It made the show that much better because I had someone to say “OMG” to during commercial breaks, and rehash the storyline with after it was done. Best date night EVER!!!
10. My favorite character: Ben.
*He was totally unpredictable!! You never knew if he was going to be bad or good, and when you thought he was going one way he would instantly do a 360.
*His love for the island.
*His moments of tenderness.
*His being able to take a beating, and still come back with a droll comment.
*His total ruthlessness.
*His witty comments. For example:
- Ben to John: "You had critical information that would have died with you, and once I got it I didn't have time to talk you into killing yourself again."
- Ben to John: “No John, unfortunately we don't have a code for 'There's a man in my closet with a gun to my daughter's head'. Although, we obviously should..."
- Jack: How can you read? Ben: My mother taught me.
- John: Mind if I ask you a question? Ben: I’m a Pisces.
- Alex: You put my boyfriend in a cage, and then you locked him in a room & tried to brainwash him! Ben: I didn’t want him to get you pregnant. I suppose I may have overreacted.
Thank goodness for DVDs! I cannot wait to start the series over again!