Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rhys' 1st Communion

Today we celebrated Rhys partaking in communion for the first time! It was a momentous occasion, and the family came to support him as he completed this important rite of passage. It was so fantastic looking down the pew, and seeing all of their smiling faces. And I know that it meant a lot to Rhys, as I saw him searching for us he as he went up for communion.
It truly fills me with joy as I witness my children reach milestones in life, and I know that each one is a piece that will eventually make them whole. 1st Communion is a piece that I hope will bring comfort, peace, and a sense of belonging to them throughout their years.
We had a great time today as a family, and it was definitely a fantastic day! We really appreciate all of our family members making the time to spend the day with Rhys!

Not pictured: Lucy, and her esteemed babysitter, Aunt Lisa. They partied at home, and were with us in spirit! :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Glasses!!

Well the day finally came. We had been expecting glasses for a while now, but our dr gave her some time to develop her eye muscles first. However her right eye never got the memo, and became a bit lazy. So we got glasses. The cool thing about these glasses are that they were developed especially for kids with DS. The frames are durable & fit better on their flat nose bridge & lower set ears. All that and Lucy hates them!! It will be fun (sarcasm) getting her to wear them. But we have to try, and hopefully soon she will realize that they help her see better. Here is to hoping!!!
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Something to Consider, Pope Benedict

So the boys were having a serious conversation about Lent yesterday. They came up with a new idea for Lent. They thought that it would be a serious sacrifice for Catholics to have to grow & hunt their own food during Lent. AND they would be prohibited from buying food from a grocery store. According to them, people would be checked to see if they were Catholic before being allowed to shop. And if a Catholic sneaked in and actually purchased groceries, they would be "pursued" & their groceries confiscated. "Now that would be a sacrifice for God, Mom." Ummm, okay. Abstaining from meat on Fridays seems so do-able now!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rhys Completed his Second Sacrament!!!!

Thats right, Rhys had his first confession today. He was so nervous! But it was so rewarding to see his sense of peace when he was done. I love these moments!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011


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