Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Something to Consider, Pope Benedict

So the boys were having a serious conversation about Lent yesterday. They came up with a new idea for Lent. They thought that it would be a serious sacrifice for Catholics to have to grow & hunt their own food during Lent. AND they would be prohibited from buying food from a grocery store. According to them, people would be checked to see if they were Catholic before being allowed to shop. And if a Catholic sneaked in and actually purchased groceries, they would be "pursued" & their groceries confiscated. "Now that would be a sacrifice for God, Mom." Ummm, okay. Abstaining from meat on Fridays seems so do-able now!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rhys Completed his Second Sacrament!!!!

Thats right, Rhys had his first confession today. He was so nervous! But it was so rewarding to see his sense of peace when he was done. I love these moments!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011


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Sunday, January 30, 2011

10 Years of Ethan!

Ethan turns 10 today, and I can honestly say that I have no idea where the decade went. Decade? Weird just to say that. I will spare you all of the melancholy thoughts that I, as his Mom, have been having about this momentous occasion, and instead I am going to share with you some things I know about Ethan.

1. He loves his family.

2. He is definitely an A+ personality, and is in it to win it (think that comes from Jake).

3. His jokes are horrible (trust me, I know because I also tell jokes badly). This stems from Ethan being more grounded, and not really able to see the lighter side of things. He is a realist people!

4. There is only black & white for Ethan, no gray. He has a strong sense of what is right & wrong. (not always applied to himself, but others for sure! ;)

5. He is smart as a whip, and soaks up as much he can about everything. Unlike Rhys (who only shows motivation in things that he likes), Ethan applies himself to every subject.

6. Ethan loves video games. I am sure college will seem like Heaven to him, because we will not be there to monitor how much video game time he gets. That is until his grades come in!

7. He is not afraid of anything. He is 100% daredevil. He will jump off of anything!

8. He likes to go fast, and play hard. Enough said.

9. He is (usually) polite & helpful. He does so much around here, and does them well. He never complains about taking out the recycling, and he loves helping with Lucy.

10. At heart, Ethan is a sensitive soul. He roots for the underdog, and looks out for the people that need help. In turn, he remembers every mean thing that people have said to him & it is hard for him to shake mean words/actions off. He takes things very personally.

Ethan is a cool guy. I love him very much, and I am so proud of the young man that he has become. I have no doubt that one day (too soon) he will go out in the world, and make it a better place. But for now, I will keep him at home with me.

I was going to make a movie, but that would have been too emotionally stressful for this poor Momma, so pictures are going to have to do!

The Beginning

And today he is 10!!!!

Ethan's Big 10 Camping Trip

We really wanted to do something special to commemorate Ethan's 10th birthday, so we took him camping. Joon & Lucy got packed off with Oma to spend some quality time at Casa Swain, and we loaded up the boys (and more junk than you can shake a stick at) and headed to Pedernales State Park.
Jake and I did not grow up camping, nor are we the "camping type". So there was a slight learning curve on Friday night with making the fire and dinner, but Jake rocked it on Saturday! Friday night the low was 37, and it was cold!! By morning we were all on the air mattress together, bundled up for warmth. Jake & I even wore our jackets to bed!! Thankfully it warmed up quite a bit on Saturday.
Jake & I gave Ethan a Gerber Multi-Utility Tool for his birthday, and he could not have been happier!! We figure having his own utility tool really marks his passage into the double digits. Rhys was green with envy, but Dad let him borrow his to whittle with!
We tried some fishing, but nothing was biting. We had a great time trying though. The boys made up a game called "Paper Airplane Golf", which was basically frisbee golf with paper airplanes. They all had a great time!! The surroundings were beautiful, and the company was fantastic. It was definitely a memorable trip, and I hope Ethan remembers it fondly for years to come. I know that I will.