Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Let's Celebrate with Ham" ~ Rhys

Rhys says the funniest things. Mel overheard him on the playground having a conversation with another child. The kid asked Rhys his name and Rhys replied, "Rhys, R-H-Y-S. Don't go thinking it is rice because it is Rhys." Then in the car with Soline he said, "Don't be assuming that I know all my letters because I don't." Ummm...okay. I could write a whole chapter on the things that he says. I will miss him when he starts school next year because his daily commentary keeps me rolling. So this post is dedicated to Rhys and ham.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I second that. Rhys is one of the funniest kids I know. Write the book, Kelley!!