Saturday, November 1, 2008


Halloween costumes were a tough decision this year. They finally decided on characters from our favorite cartoon programs (these are not the most popular programs): Prince Zuko from "Avatar, the Last Airbender", and Blooregard Q. Kazoo from "Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends". They soon discovered that most people did not know who they were; in fact, Ethan was confused all night for Cookie Monster. I tried to explain that if people do not know who you are then that proves it is a cool costume. The idea that being different is cool, is a hard concept for a 2nd grader, but I think he got it....especially after he saw so many Star Wars characters. We had a great night and it was fun. I think they looked great. On a side note, the skeleton had a cardiologist appointment and he loved that the costume had a heart right on it. Hope everyone had an awesome Halloween!

Blooregard Q. Kazoo

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