Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Time is an amazing thing

Ethan had a class project about family history. One of the questions had the student reflect on what life was like for the oldest member of the family when they were 7. We did some math and figured out that Opa is the oldest member of our family, coming in at 62. Ethan's first thought was, "I wonder what color his covered wagon was?". He thought about it and then said, "I bet Opa learned to drive in one of those cars with the tire on the back...a Model T.". With thoughts like these, we immediately called Opa to get his take on the whole thing. He laughed and asked us if we had put Ethan up to it. Then Opa set the record straight on a few things. You bet we had to come home and look up Roy Rogers! In retrospect, it is so cool that Ethan thinks that humans could make so much progress in such a short period of time. Who didn't think we would be driving flying cars by now? Kid logic is AWESOME!!!

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