Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Lucy waved by-bye for the first time today. It was a pretty exciting milestone. She had her annual assessment last week, and she is doing pretty well. Cognitively she is only about 1 month behind, and physically...well physically we have some work to do. Which is not a bad deal because we can give her more muscle tone, we can't give her more brain activity. This Down-Syndrome thing is a trip, because we have no idea what to expect. When she was born we only had this doom and gloom outlook, but she has proven us wrong every step of the way. She truly is the light of our family, and brings us all such happiness.
I love looking at pictures of older kids with DS and seeing that they are just like everyone else (check this LINK out). The funny thing is that kids with DS are not like everyone else, the real science of it blows me out of the water. An extra chromosome makes such a difference in the human makeup. I once heard people with DS referred to as modern day mutants, X-men if you will. To live one's life always having to prove that they can be "normal", and yet still deal with differences that others don't have...yeah that sounds like the X-men alright. So we try and not put Lucy in a box, not to label her abilities or rank her achievements...just to enjoy & appreciate her as she is. Society makes that hard, but we have Ethan & Rhys to jump through those hoops! :) Maybe tomorrow I can post a clip of our X-Woman waving by-bye!


doc said...

My friend,

Must I continually remind you that when you refer to the "Forbes" part of your life, the word normal just isn't the same!
Other peoples "Normal" doesn't apply to us, so the lovely Lucy is with the right set of parents.
We love you all
Grandma Barney, Aunt(Driving Now)Tessa and Me.

Anonymous said...

We think of the whole Forbes family as some sort of mutant, science experiment gone awray! I love the link is that someone you know?

Love U
Aunt Jenny