Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Disney World, Day 1...Magic Kingdom

We went to Disney World for a week, and we stayed on property at the Wilderness Resort. It is based on the lodge that is at Yellowstone. This place was fantastic! It has a fire place that has every layer of rock that the Grand Canyon has! Of course the hotel wouldn't be complete without it's very own geyser. Disney misses nothing. Our hotel was on the lake, and we were able to take a boat to the Magic Kingdom. The boys loved riding the boat, and I have to admit it was way cooler than the bus.
The first day we headed for the Magic Kingdom. They had the place decorated to the hilt for Halloween. It was AWESOME!! We took a break in the afternoon, and then went back for the light parade and the fireworks. I thought all firework shows were created equal, but this show knocked my boots off. It was fantastic, and if I had a better camera I would have the pics to prove it! So here are all the pics from our first day.

Tomorrow Epcot!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that it way cool!! Looks like you guys had such a great time!