Sunday, May 23, 2010

Better Late than Never, Mother's Day

I had an fantastic Mother's Day weekend! On Saturday, I was able to attend the International Down Syndrome Education conference. It was such a cool experience. This group does nothing but help advance the education of people with DS. And they have lots of helpful suggestions, and tips. It was great to see so many people working for one cause: to give our kids as many choices in life as possible. It was also very beneficial to speak with representatives from other school districts, and see how their systems work. Sadly I think our days in P-Ville may be numbered, other districts are much more open to inclusion. But fiddle-dee-de, that is a post for another day. When I came home from the conference my men had cleaned my house from top to bottom, and did the laundry to boot!!! It was such a great surprise!!
On Mother's Day we drove out to Round Top to meet up with the family. We ate at an awesome cafe that is renowned for its pies! And it definitely lived up to the hype! It was a beautiful day, and I could not have asked for a better Mother's Day!

Oma's New Car

Lucy meeting another Lucy.

Met this guy on the way home!

1 comment:

The Quist said...

I love Oma's new car fits her like a glove! LOL
Clean House too damn good day at the Forbes!