Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

A zombie, Frodo Baggins & Septimus Heap (from a book series called "Magyk")

Friday, October 29, 2010

Walking with Our Buddy!

The Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas (DSACT) is an awesome organization! They offer a wide variety of classes for people with DS, and their "typical" siblings for FREEEE! Their most important fundraiser is the annual "Buddy Walk". It is a great event that has kid activities, awareness info, music, and of course a 1 mile walk. There were a LOT of people there, and it was a great testament to how many people love someone with DS. It was wonderful to see these teams of people that were there to support their Buddy. Next year we are planning to put a team together, and get the party started!! We are accepting suggestions for a clever team name, so send them in! And don't be surprised when you get your Buddy Walk Invite next year!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No Rest for the Wicked

Lucy is a one woman demolition team. Her mission in life is to destroy all that she can, as quickly as she can. I think this is her OCD disorder, she cannot stand for things to be in their rightful place.

Exhibit A: The other day I left her alone to take a quick bathroom break, and this is what I found upon my return:

Exhibit B: Today she was supposed to be taking a nap, but she had gotten out of do this:

It is hard work messing stuff up!

Monday, October 25, 2010

A year ago....

I can't believe it has already been a year since our Disney trip. I had a lot of misgivings about our trip to Disney, but mainly "are we blowing a ton of cash to buy into a world of commercialism?". I had serious doubts folks.
I should fess up and admit that I have an unusual escape mechanism, when things are tough (i mean really tough) I love watching cartoons. Cartoons are filled with bright colors, happy music, and the characters always resolve their problem & are happy at the end of the show. I admit, I find this very appealing in dark times.
So when we went to Disney I never thought for 1 instance how AWESOME it would be. I was thinking of lines, grumpy people, expensive food, unruly children. But I have to tell you that it knocked my socks off. Everything in the world of Disney was P-E-R-F-E-C-T; there was not one leaf out of place, no one was rude, everything was cheery & bright. It was incredible. Staying at the resort completed the feeling of living in this overwhelmingly wonderful place.
Driving off the Disney property back into the "real" world was a bit tough. The only thing I have to compare it to is when you have a baby and you get to stay in the hospital & it is completely surreal. Then you leave and you get in your car & you are back in the real world with all of it's bumps and bruises.
So here I am a year later, and I cannot wait to go back. I am already yearning for that feeling of our family being together in that cocoon of happiness (no bills, no phones, no internet, no practices, no homework, the list could go on). Disney made me a believer!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Girls Weekend in Austin!!!

A couple of years ago, Kathy hosted a fantastic girl's weekend in San Diego! This year they all came to Austin, and for Dani & Kathy it was their FIRST time in Texas!!! So you know I had to show them a good time. I made sure we got in the Texas essentials: Mexican food, Blue Bell, Lonestar, chicken fried steak, football and bbq! Ms. Lisa even got to come and join the fun one night! It was a busy weekend, but I had a GREAT time! Thank you girls for coming & hanging out with me!

I let them take a picture in front of my Ferrari. Don't worry, I didn't let them actually touch it.

Awesome picture of Dani. We were waiting on the bats.
It was too dark to see them when they finally appeared! Bust.

I couldn't let her come to Texas & NOT try on a cowboy hat!

Sad farewell. Until next year! Vermont get ready!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Camp Half Blood

Rick Riordan is the author of some really cool books, and the kids are crazy about them!! So it was really exciting when we found out that Book People would be hosting a parking lot party for the launch of his newest book. His books combine aspects of mythology (Greek, Roman & Egyptian) with the modern world, and this was the theme of the party. The icing on the cake was when Mr. Riordan took the stage, and answered children's questions & read a passage from the new book. It was a GREAT afternoon. I love that the kids were so ecstatic about attending this event, and it really demonstrates how much a good book can impact a person's life.
Yeah reading!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Serious Hiatus!

I can't believe I did not post anything during September! Hey what can I say, getting back in the groove was harder than I anticipated. I actually had some serious denial going on; I was not ready to trade the pool for school!! That made things more difficult all the way around!
But now it is October! My house is finally clean, closets are organized, school/after school routines are in place, and now it is time to get caught up on my blog. I downloaded my pics, and I am ready to inundate you with photos to catch you up!