Saturday, October 23, 2010

Girls Weekend in Austin!!!

A couple of years ago, Kathy hosted a fantastic girl's weekend in San Diego! This year they all came to Austin, and for Dani & Kathy it was their FIRST time in Texas!!! So you know I had to show them a good time. I made sure we got in the Texas essentials: Mexican food, Blue Bell, Lonestar, chicken fried steak, football and bbq! Ms. Lisa even got to come and join the fun one night! It was a busy weekend, but I had a GREAT time! Thank you girls for coming & hanging out with me!

I let them take a picture in front of my Ferrari. Don't worry, I didn't let them actually touch it.

Awesome picture of Dani. We were waiting on the bats.
It was too dark to see them when they finally appeared! Bust.

I couldn't let her come to Texas & NOT try on a cowboy hat!

Sad farewell. Until next year! Vermont get ready!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great meeting you nice ladies!! I had the best time ever!!