I recorded the main parts for your viewing pleasure, but please excuse the poor camera-ship. I do not own a video recorder, so I was recording it with my camera.
Just a small note: there was a boy in the play that has autism, and he was unhappy with Lucy making noise. He shushed her a lot, so I sometimes get distracted by that & the recording gets a bit wobbly. My bad! :)
Here is the link to the recording, enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L53BqSDxiAU
1st the cinematographer (bootlegger) needs more practice and the film quality was sub par at best. This child actor was fantastic!!! Was that Matt Damon? He was award winning! I love the baby background singer!! I have to say the shusher was a bit a annoying, but what can you do? He obviously doesnt understand the importance of the baby background noise!
How come he did't sing the "Titanic" song?
Just wondering.
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