Friday, June 24, 2011

Rhys' Acting Debut

Rhys went to Theater Camp this week, and he landed the lead male role in "Beauty is a Beast". These actors (grades 3 - 6) did a great job of learning all their lines in 5 days, and creating the set and props. I was really impressed with the production!
I recorded the main parts for your viewing pleasure, but please excuse the poor camera-ship. I do not own a video recorder, so I was recording it with my camera.
Just a small note: there was a boy in the play that has autism, and he was unhappy with Lucy making noise. He shushed her a lot, so I sometimes get distracted by that & the recording gets a bit wobbly. My bad! :)

Here is the link to the recording, enjoy!


Lisa said...

1st the cinematographer (bootlegger) needs more practice and the film quality was sub par at best. This child actor was fantastic!!! Was that Matt Damon? He was award winning! I love the baby background singer!! I have to say the shusher was a bit a annoying, but what can you do? He obviously doesnt understand the importance of the baby background noise!

doc said...

How come he did't sing the "Titanic" song?
Just wondering.