Saturday, July 23, 2011

Battleship Memorial Park

Driving home from Florida we managed to do some sight seeing!
First stop, Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile, Ala. The U.S.S. Alabama is parked here, and so is the USS Drum (a submarine). We had a great time exploring all the nooks & crannies of the Alabama. Some quick facts: the USS ALABAMA measures 680 feet from stem to stern, half as long as the Empire State Building is tall. Armed with nine, 16-inch guns in three turrets and 20, 5-inch, .38-caliber guns in 10 twin mounts, her main batteries could fire shells as heavy as a small car accurately for a distance of more than 20 miles. She saw 37 months of active duty during WWII & earned 9 Battle Stars. The ship is an amazing feat of human engineering. It was sad to see it so eerily empty, and I really wished I could have been a fly on the wall & seen her in action with her sailors. Really spectacular.

They also had a variety of planes parked in a hanger. Jake was super excited that they had a Black Bird!

1 comment:

doc said...

Aaargh,there be pie-rats aboard them thar boats!