Today was Oprah's last show, and I am not afraid to admit that I will miss her. I am not one of the uber fans that never missed an episode, but I have watched throughout the years. With her show ending I have that deep sorrow in my heart that I often feel when I come to the end of a really good book series. It is hard to say goodbye to someone who feels like my friend. So without further ado, I present to you 5 Most Important Things that Oprah has Taught Me:
1. Even if you do not feel like exercising, do it for 5 minutes. If you still want to quit after 5 minutes, then go ahead and quit because you really aren't feeling it that day. But most likely after you have exercised for 5 minutes, you are going to keep going. This also applies to most of life's hard tasks.
2. Treat everyone with respect, because you have no idea what that person is going through that day. We all think this sentiment, but it really hit home when Oprah did a show about it. And guess what? It is true. People are all dealing with things that are not always apparent. I felt this lesson acutely on many levels: me sometimes being the person that was trying to get through the day & me sometimes being the person that had to stop and remember to treat others (even annoying people) with respect & consideration.
3. If you know better, you do better. Humans make mistakes, and only when we learn from them can we truly advance. It is hard admitting mistakes and moving on. It is difficult as an adult & as a parent watching my children learn the same lesson. But the good news is that people understand that we are fallible creatures, and can be very forgiving. Say your sorry, and don't do it again.
4. Watching Oprah, I have realized that I am not alone. In this world we are bombarded with social media, and it seems we are always connected to something. But it is still possible to feel alone, and isolated. It has been nice through the years to see other people that have experienced the same things I have: the good and the bad. It gives me strength to know that there are others out there that have dealt with the same issues, and have survived.
5. I am enough. That one hits home. I have always struggled with my physical appearance, and I realize that I am never going to be tall, or impossibly thin, or have a complexion that does not resemble a sunburn. But I am working on loving me, as I am, and trying to embrace the mantra that "I am enough". Because I am tired of wasting my life being unhappy about it, and most people don't run away in fear when they see me. So I must not be too hideous. :)
That is the 5 most important things I have learned from watching Oprah. To be honest it wasn't always the show that I looked forward to watching, it was Oprah. Her message was so reaffirming: be yourself, be kind, and do good things. This is the message I will take away from her, and strive to live by.