Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hollywood Studios

On the third day we ventured to Hollywood Studios. I got to say, Disney really knows it's stuff. Each park was so fantastic, and entertaining! This was probably the hottest & most humid days, so some of the pictures look kind of foggy. I'll let you imagine how humid it has to be for a camera lens to fog over! So without further ado, the Forbes at MGM!

First up, Tower of Terror. Rhys was not going to ride this, but changed his mind to prove a point. I gotta give it to the guy, it was kind of scary BUT he rode it...screaming all the way!

Boys got recruited by Andy's soldiers!

Met up with Darth for a photo op. Darth looks like he is going to bust out of that box, and wipe those smiles off of their faces!

At the Indiana Jones show one of us was chosen to be an extra. Do you recognize one of the Egyptians?

We ate lunch at the 50's Prime Time Cafe. The servers take their job really seriously! Jake didn't eat all of his lunch so "Uncle Mike" wouldn't let him have dessert. Unless he wanted to eat a Pot Pie Sundae!

Love this Ms. Piggy fountain!

Rhys has a pretty powerful finger blaster!


Anonymous said...

looks like you all had an absolute blast! miss you like crazy! the boys are growing up so fast!!

Melanie said...

Is that what it is going to look like when Rhys can drive? Him driving Ethan around?