Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun in Amarillo!

We met up with the Sundquists in Amarillo; it is the half way point between Denver & Austin. I have to say this is a gem of a place. Amarillo had the best children's museum I have ever been to, beautiful canyon, good eats (for reals best donuts anywhere), and an awesome water park!! We even discovered a statue of Opa! We had a great time, and it was so much fun hanging out with our Denver peeps!

"The Taco"! It was scary.


Palo Duro Canyon

The crew

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lucy & George

When Ethan was a baby he wanted a doll. So he and I trekked to Toys R Us, and looked for a boy doll. All we could find was George. George is still around freaking people out with his "realistic" attributes, but alas he has lost his clothes along the way. So now we get to look at pudgy naked George.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Texas Women

One of the things I love most about Texas is Texas women. They are independent, tough, and they look great doing it! After living in Oregon with unshaven legs, crumple skirts, and a serious lack of bras, I appreciate TX ladies even more. They know how to accessorize; I love how they can make a simple thing like a flip flop fancy. Not to mention that rhinestones are a must; a little bling always makes these ladies shine. And their two most favorite designs are the state of Texas, and crosses. I always smile when I see big hair and sparkles, and inside I am hoping one day I can pull it off too! Because those women are glamming it up for the world, and they don't give a dang what other people think. And they make it look good!

* Image removed because, even though I liked the lady's belt, I couldn't stand looking at a stranger's booty on my blog.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Piranha Swimmin'

The boys are on the Pflugerville Piranha Swim Team this year, and they are having a blast. This past Saturday we had our first meet, and it was pretty exciting (as much as that term can be applied to watching & waiting, repeat for 5 hours). The boys had to check in at 5:30, so Lu & I let Dad take them (we got up there bout 8). Then it was just a waiting game between the boy's races. We camped out under a tree, but the boys had to stay in their age appropriate sections (pits). The pits are actually enclaves of little boys bent over DSs. I have never seen so many gamers in one area!! It was crazy. The boys swam really well, and I am glad that they weren't afraid to try something new. It was a fun afternoon that ended in naps for Mom, Dad & Lucy, and trust me when I say that the boys were in bed early!

Ethan is in the middle.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

S to the LACKER

I have been very remiss in my blogging duties. The end of school was a whirlwind, and with so much going on things just piled up. And when I say things, I mean everything: laundry, paperwork, pictures, and CLUTTER!!! So this weekend we spent some time getting cleaned up and organized . It'll feel good to get these pics posted! Here is the photographic evidence of our last 2 weeks of school!!

Rhys' Advanced Reader Parade
Ethan's Field Day

Broken back door

Game on!

Horsey Leg Rides!!

Impenetrable Fort! Can you spot the soldiers?

Stroller Pushing

New 2nd Graders!

Cute cupcakes for the big beach party!

Sheesh, now we can move on. Let summer fun commence!!!