Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Piranha Swimmin'

The boys are on the Pflugerville Piranha Swim Team this year, and they are having a blast. This past Saturday we had our first meet, and it was pretty exciting (as much as that term can be applied to watching & waiting, repeat for 5 hours). The boys had to check in at 5:30, so Lu & I let Dad take them (we got up there bout 8). Then it was just a waiting game between the boy's races. We camped out under a tree, but the boys had to stay in their age appropriate sections (pits). The pits are actually enclaves of little boys bent over DSs. I have never seen so many gamers in one area!! It was crazy. The boys swam really well, and I am glad that they weren't afraid to try something new. It was a fun afternoon that ended in naps for Mom, Dad & Lucy, and trust me when I say that the boys were in bed early!

Ethan is in the middle.

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