Monday, June 14, 2010

Texas Women

One of the things I love most about Texas is Texas women. They are independent, tough, and they look great doing it! After living in Oregon with unshaven legs, crumple skirts, and a serious lack of bras, I appreciate TX ladies even more. They know how to accessorize; I love how they can make a simple thing like a flip flop fancy. Not to mention that rhinestones are a must; a little bling always makes these ladies shine. And their two most favorite designs are the state of Texas, and crosses. I always smile when I see big hair and sparkles, and inside I am hoping one day I can pull it off too! Because those women are glamming it up for the world, and they don't give a dang what other people think. And they make it look good!

* Image removed because, even though I liked the lady's belt, I couldn't stand looking at a stranger's booty on my blog.

1 comment:

doc said...

And the Lord said, "Let there be Texas...more specifically, let there be Texas Chicks with big round butts and mile high hair!" And all was good with Texas men.