Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Time is an amazing thing

Ethan had a class project about family history. One of the questions had the student reflect on what life was like for the oldest member of the family when they were 7. We did some math and figured out that Opa is the oldest member of our family, coming in at 62. Ethan's first thought was, "I wonder what color his covered wagon was?". He thought about it and then said, "I bet Opa learned to drive in one of those cars with the tire on the back...a Model T.". With thoughts like these, we immediately called Opa to get his take on the whole thing. He laughed and asked us if we had put Ethan up to it. Then Opa set the record straight on a few things. You bet we had to come home and look up Roy Rogers! In retrospect, it is so cool that Ethan thinks that humans could make so much progress in such a short period of time. Who didn't think we would be driving flying cars by now? Kid logic is AWESOME!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's A Beaut, Clark

Jake really outdid himself this year!! Check it out...

Saturday, November 29, 2008


We packed the kids up and flew up to Winterpark, Colorado to hang out with the Sundquist Family. Ethan & Rhys went to ski school on the first day, moved on to the Bunny Hill and then conquered the mountain! They were AWESOME!!! Ethan boarded and Rhys skied and Lucy stayed warm. It was a great Thanksgiving and we are so sad that it flew by so fast.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Aunt Melnay & Aunt Lido came for a visit last night. We had a fabulous time with them. It was a quick trip, but if we waited for the perfect time we would be old. You really have to take the precious time that you can get and run with it. We did that last night, and it was great. Life is made of all the little moments, and those snatches of time are really what make life sweet. Love you sisters.

(LL: Lido & Ludee)

Go Titans!

Saturday was a glorious end to another Titan's soccer season. The boys have come so far and have learned so much. They actually pass the ball now! They don't win much, but they are learning to play together as a team, and in my experience that is much harder for humans to do. Coach Jacob and Coach Rob did a great job with these kids, and in the last game the boys really showed off what they had learned. We even had a few goals! It was a great ending to the season.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Halloween costumes were a tough decision this year. They finally decided on characters from our favorite cartoon programs (these are not the most popular programs): Prince Zuko from "Avatar, the Last Airbender", and Blooregard Q. Kazoo from "Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends". They soon discovered that most people did not know who they were; in fact, Ethan was confused all night for Cookie Monster. I tried to explain that if people do not know who you are then that proves it is a cool costume. The idea that being different is cool, is a hard concept for a 2nd grader, but I think he got it....especially after he saw so many Star Wars characters. We had a great night and it was fun. I think they looked great. On a side note, the skeleton had a cardiologist appointment and he loved that the costume had a heart right on it. Hope everyone had an awesome Halloween!

Blooregard Q. Kazoo

Kindergarten Nursery Rhythm Parade

Starring Old King Cole...

A little Flashback...